InfluxDB Clustered
Version: 20250212-1570743
# yaml-language-server: $schema=app-instance-schema.json
kind: AppInstance
name: influxdb
namespace: influxdb
# One or more secrets that are used to pull the images from an authenticated registry.
# This will either be the secret provided to you, if using our registry, or a secret for your own registry
# if self-hosting the images.
- name: <name of the secret>
# The version of the clustered package that will be used.
# This determines the version of all of the individual components.
# When a new version of the product is released, this version should be updated and any
# new config options should be updated below.
# # Provides a way to pass down hosting environment specific configuration, such as an role ARN when using EKS IRSA.
# # This section contains three multually-exclusive "blocks". Uncomment the block named after the hosting environment
# # you run: "aws", "openshift" or "gke".
# hostingEnvironment:
# # # Uncomment this block if you're running in EKS.
# # aws:
# # eksRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/your-influxdb-clustered-role'
# #
# # # Uncomment this block if you're running inside OpenShift.
# # # Note: there are currently no OpenShift-specific parameters. You have to pass an empty object
# # # as a marker that you're choosing OpenShift as hosting environment.
# # openshift: {}
# #
# # # Uncomment this block if you're running in GKE:
# # gke:
# # # Authenticate to Google Cloud services via workload identity, this
# # # annotates the 'iox' ServiceAccount with the role name you specify.
# # # NOTE: This setting just enables GKE specific authentication mechanism,
# # # You still need to enable `` below if you want to use GCS.
# # workloadIdentity:
# # # Google Service Account name to use for the workload identity.
# # serviceAccountEmail: <service-account>@<project-name>
# A postgresql style DSN that points at a postgresql compatible database.
# eg: postgres://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...]
name: <your secret name here>
key: <the key in the secret that contains the dsn>
# images:
# # This can be used to override a specific image name with its FQIN
# # (Fully Qualified Image Name) for testing. eg.
# overrides:
# - name: influxdb2-artifacts/iox/iox
# newFQIN: mycompany/test-iox-build:aninformativetag
# # Set this variable to the prefix of your internal registry. This will be prefixed to all expected images.
# # eg. =>
# registryOverride: <the domain name portion of your registry ( in the example above)>
# Bucket that the parquet files will be stored in
bucket: <bucket name>
# Uncomment one of the following (s3, azure)
# to enable the configuration of your object store
# URL for S3 Compatible object store
endpoint: <S3 url>
# Set to true to allow communication over HTTP (instead of HTTPS)
allowHttp: "false"
# S3 Access Key
# This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef:
value: <your access key>
# S3 Secret Key
# This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef:
value: <your secret>
# This value is required for AWS S3, it may or may not be required for other providers.
region: <region>
# azure:
# Azure Blob Storage Access Key
# This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef:
# accessKey:
# value: <your access key>
# Azure Blob Storage Account
# This can also be provided as a valueFrom: secretKeyRef:
# account:
# value: <your access key>
# There are two main ways you can access a Google:
# a) GKE Workload Identity: configure workload identity in the top level `hostingEnvironment.gke` section.
# b) Explicit service account secret (JSON) file: use the `serviceAccountSecret` field here
# If you pick (a) you may not need to uncomment anything else in this section,
# but you still need to tell influxdb that you intend to use Google Cloud Storage.
# so you need to specify an empty object. Uncomment the following line:
# google: {}
# If you pick (b), uncomment the following block:
# google:
# # If you're authenticating to Google Cloud service using a Service Account credentials file, as opposed
# # as to use workload identity (see above) you need to provide a reference to a k8s secret containing the credentials file.
# serviceAccountSecret:
# # Kubernetes Secret name containing the credentials for a Google IAM Service Account.
# name: <secret name>
# # The key within the Secret containing the credentials.
# key: <key name>
# Parameters to tune observability configuration, such as Prometheus ServiceMonitor's.
observability: {}
# retention: 12h
# serviceMonitor:
# interval: 10s
# scrapeTimeout: 30s
# Ingester pods have a volume attached.
# (Optional) Set the storage class. This will differ based on the K8s environment and desired storage characteristics.
# If not set, the default storage class will be used.
# storageClassName: <storage-class>
# Set the storage size (minimum 2Gi recommended)
storage: <storage-size>
# Monitoring pods have a volume attached.
# (Optional) Set the storage class. This will differ based on the K8s environment and desired storage characteristics.
# If not set, the default storage class will be used.
# storageClassName: <storage-class>
# Set the storage size (minimum 10Gi recommended)
storage: <storage-size>
# Uncomment the follow block if using our provided Ingress.
# We currently only support the ingress NGINX ingress controller:
# ingress:
# hosts:
# # This is the host on which you will access Influxdb 3.0, for both reads and writes
# - <influxdb-host>
# (Optional)
# The name of the Kubernetes Secret containing a TLS certificate, this should exist in the same namespace as the Clustered installation.
# If you are using cert-manager, enter a name for the Secret it should create.
# tlsSecretName: <secret-name>
# http:
# # Usually you have only one ingress controller installed in a given cluster.
# # In case you have more than one, you have to specify the "class name" of the ingress controller you want to use
# className: nginx
# grpc:
# # Usually you have only one ingress controller installed in a given cluster.
# # In case you have more than one, you have to specify the "class name" of the ingress controller you want to use
# className: nginx
# Enables specifying which 'type' of Ingress to use, alongside whether to place additional annotations
# onto those objects, this is useful for third party software in your environment, such as cert-manager.
# template:
# apiVersion: ''
# kind: 'Route'
# metadata:
# annotations:
# 'example-annotation': 'annotation-value'
# Enables specifying customizations for the various components in InfluxDB 3.0.
# components:
# # router:
# # template:
# # containers:
# # iox:
# # env:
# # nodeSelector:
# # disktype: ssd
# # tolerations:
# # - effect: NoSchedule
# # key: example
# # operator: Exists
# # Common customizations for all components go in a pseudo-component called "common"
# # common:
# # template:
# # # Metadata contains custom annotations (and labels) to be added to a component. E.g.:
# # metadata:
# # annotations:
# # "foo"
# Example of setting nodeAffinity for the querier component to ensure it runs on nodes with specific labels
# components:
# # querier:
# # template:
# # affinity:
# # nodeAffinity:
# # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# # Node must have these labels to be considered for scheduling
# # nodeSelectorTerms:
# # - matchExpressions:
# # - key: required
# # operator: In
# # values:
# # - ssd
# # preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# # Scheduler will prefer nodes with these labels but they're not required
# # - weight: 1
# # preference:
# # matchExpressions:
# # - key: preferred
# # operator: In
# # values:
# # - postgres
# Example of setting podAntiAffinity for the querier component to ensure it runs on nodes with specific labels
# components:
# # querier:
# # template:
# # affinity:
# # podAntiAffinity:
# # requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# # Ensures that the pod will not be scheduled on a node if another pod matching the labelSelector is already running there
# # - labelSelector:
# # matchExpressions:
# # - key: app
# # operator: In
# # values:
# # - querier
# # topologyKey: ""
# # preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# # Scheduler will prefer not to schedule pods together but may do so if necessary
# # - weight: 1
# # podAffinityTerm:
# # labelSelector:
# # matchExpressions:
# # - key: app
# # operator: In
# # values:
# # - querier
# # topologyKey: ""
# Uncomment the following block to tune the various pods for their cpu/memory/replicas based on workload needs.
# Only uncomment the specific resources you want to change, anything uncommented will use the package default.
# (You can read more about k8s resources and limits in
# resources:
# # The ingester handles data being written
# ingester:
# requests:
# cpu: <cpu amount>
# memory: <ram amount>
# replicas: <num replicas> # The default for ingesters is 3 to increase availability
# # optionally you can specify the resource limits which improves isolation.
# # (see
# # limits:
# # cpu: <cpu amount>
# # memory: <ram amount>
# # The compactor reorganizes old data to improve query and storage efficiency.
# compactor:
# requests:
# cpu: <cpu amount>
# memory: <ram amount>
# replicas: <num replicas> # the default is 1
# # The querier handles querying data.
# querier:
# requests:
# cpu: <cpu amount>
# memory: <ram amount>
# replicas: <num replicas> # the default is 3
# # The router performs some api routing.
# router:
# requests:
# cpu: <cpu amount>
# memory: <ram amount>
# replicas: <num replicas> # the default is 3
# The list of users to grant access to Clustered via influxctl
# First name of user
- firstName: <first-name>
# Last name of user
lastName: <last-name>
# Email of user
email: <email>
# The ID that the configured Identity Provider uses for the user in oauth flows
id: <id>
# Optional list of user groups to assign to the user, rather than the default groups. The following groups are currently supported: Admin, Auditor, Member
- <group-name>
# The dsn for the postgres compatible database (note this is the same as defined above)
name: <secret name>
key: <dsn key>
# The identity provider to be used e.g. "keycloak", "auth0", "azure", etc
# Note for Azure Active Directory it must be exactly "azure"
identityProvider: <identity-provider>
# The JWKS endpoint provided by the Identity Provider
jwksEndpoint: <endpoint>
# # This (optional) section controls how InfluxDB issues outbound requests to other services
# egress:
# # If you're using a custom CA you will need to specify the full custom CA bundle here.
# #
# # NOTE: the custom CA is currently only honoured for outbound requests used to obtain
# # the JWT public keys from your identiy provider (see `jwksEndpoint`).
# customCertificates:
# valueFrom:
# configMapKeyRef:
# key: ca.pem
# name: custom-ca
# We also include the ability to enable some features that are not yet ready for general availability
# or for which we don't yet have a proper place to turn on an optional feature in the configuration file.
# To turn on these you should include the name of the feature flag in the `featureFlag` array.
# featureFlags:
# # Uncomment to install a Grafana deployment.
# # Depends on one of the prometheus features being deployed.
# # - grafana
# # The following 2 flags should be uncommented for k8s API 1.21 support.
# # Note that this is an experimental configuration.
# # - noMinReadySeconds
# # - noGrpcProbes